


THOMAS IVY for City council


Tom runs a small, efficiency-minded, general and plumbing ​contracting business out of Grass Valley, originally started by ​his father. Born and raised in Nevada County, with some years ​spent at UC Santa Cruz and working in Seattle, he’s still taken ​with our home in western Nevada County. He was appointed ​to the Grass Valley Planning Commission in 2018 and then ​elected to the Grass Valley City Council in 2020. He's ​currently vice chair of the Board of Directors for Pioneer ​Community Energy and sits on the Board of Directors for the ​new, exciting Nevada County Community Foundation. As a ​Council member, his most recent efforts are bringing Pioneer ​Community Energy to town, expanding and preserving the ​Loma Rica Trail Network, working to pass fire prevention ​funding, and in the process of bringing a sustainable biomass ​facility to town so Western Nevada County has a more ​affordable place to take it's green waste.

His wife and young child, their home and garden, our rivers ​and lakes, and some of our mountain bike trails are some ​things that have brought a smile to him lately.



Grass Valley

2020 - 2024 :

  • Joined Pioneer Community Energy

- Making Grass Valley’s electricity cheaper and greener than PGE

  • Worked with landowners to preserve the Loma

Rica Banner trail network.

- Prioritizing a trail network that will connect Banner Mountain, Cedar ​Ridge and Peardale, Nevada City, and more to downtown Grass Valley

  • Worked to establish Measure B, fire prevention ​funding.

- The greatest impact we can have on home insurance, is by protecting ​ourselves from needing it after catastrophes.

Next 4 years

  • Biomass and/or Compost facilities: affordable tools for us, local jobs
  • Fire prevention: small and large scale, with our residents and in ​collaboration with our neighbors
  • Connectivity: wifi and community trails foster our economy
  • Parks, Downtown, roads, and more: let’s keep inching towards great
  • Collaboration with GV School District: Our community needs a ​better and great school kitchen. Cooking from scratch with local ​foods.
  • No stone unturned when it comes to climate change and housing



City Council

City of Grass Valley

